Former Prosecutor and Donald Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani was found guilty of defamation and ordered to pay two election poll workers 148 million. A Federal Judge determined earlier this year that Giuliana was guilty of defaming Rudy Freeman and Wandrea Moss. The mother and daughter who worked the election poll in Georgia were accused of stuffing absentee votes with President Biden’s name on them. Giuliani went as far as stating that there was a video of the two stuffing the ballots. However, no evidence was provided and the two women’s lives have been in danger since the allegation. The women testified that they received threats, from Trump supporters because people felt they helped rig the election. Rudy Giuliani is keeping his stance that the two women stuffed the ballot box.

“Every single aspect of my life has changed. I’m scared of my son coming home and finding me or my mom hanging in front of our house”

The jury was not lenient with Rudy Giuliani and awarded the following:
$16,171,000 to Freeman in compensatory damages for defamation;$16,998,000 for Moss in compensatory damages for defamation;
$20 million each, or $40 million total, in compensatory damages for emotional distress;$75 million in punitive damages for both